1.The awards of this event are divided into “Overall Ranking” and “Age Group Ranking.” The prizes are in NTD.
2.Overall Ranking:

Prizes and trophies will be awarded as per the overall ranking in Male and Female Groups. Breakdowns are as follows:

※ The first place of overall ranking in Male and Female Groups of Half Marathon Group will receive a complimentary round-trip business class airline ticket of China Airlines.

Group Half Marathon Group
Male / Female
Casual Group
Male / Female
1st 30,000+Trophy+Airline Ticket 10,000+Trophy
2nd 20,000+Trophy 8,000+Trophy
3rd 15,000+Trophy 7,000+Trophy
4th 10,000+Trophy 6,000+Trophy
5th 8,000+Trophy 5,000+Trophy
6th Trophy Trophy
7th Trophy Trophy
8th Trophy Trophy
9th Trophy Trophy
10th Trophy Trophy
3.Age Group Ranking:

Awards for Half Marathon Age Group Ranking are as per the number of participants in each group. Breakdowns are as follows:

Group Half Marathon Group
Rank Male / Female No. of Participants in each group Number of Winners
1st 1,000+Trophy Less than 50 participants 3
2nd 800+Trophy 51-100 participants 4
3rd 500+Trophy 101-200 participants 6
4th Trophy More than 201 participants 8
5th Trophy
6th Trophy
7th Trophy
8th Trophy
  1. Participants who are awarded in “Overall Ranking” will not be included in “Age Group Ranking.”
  2. Award winners shall pay income tax in accordance with the tax laws of the Republic of China. If the amount of cash awarded is more than NTD 20,000, 10% of tax will be deducted for winners who are citizens of Taiwan. 20% of tax will be deducted for non-citizen winners regardless of the amount of cash awarded. The value of the airline tickets awarded will be calculated using the lowest price available of the class as the issued tickets at the time of ticket issuing and is withheld by China Airlines each time when a ticket is issued. Award winners shall bring along a scanned copy of the ID card when claiming the award, and foreign participants shall bring along relevant documents such as passport or residence permit for verification.
  3. Airline ticket winners are required to pay airport tax, fuel surcharge, etc. in cash for the complimentary airline tickets. The amount will be based on the tax rate on the day of ticket issuing. The complimentary airline tickets are not applicable to mileage accrual and mileage upgrades for members.
  4. Award winners shall bring along a scanned copy of the ID card when claiming the award, and foreign participants shall bring along relevant documents such as passport or residence permit for verification.
  5. Cash prizes will be given out via remittance. Winners are requested to provide relevant documents and remittance information.
  6. Only the winner himself/herself can claim the awards on stage. All prizes and trophies provided by the organizers must be claimed by the winners in person and not on their behalf. Winners must present their bib number or ID card when claiming the awards. Winners who do not come to the stage to claim their prizes or claim their trophies before the end of this event will be regarded as having given up their awards. The awards will not be delivered by postal services. No objections will be accepted.
  7. If a participant is reported and proved to have violated the anti-doping rules, the organizers have the right to disclose the name of the violator after verification, and the violator will not be excluded in the ranking and will not be given any prizes or certificates.
5.To encourage participants of finishing before prescribed time, medals and towels will be given to participants who finish before prescribed time. Participants who do not complete race within prescribed time shall not claim the prizes. All participants, regardless of having finished the race or not, will receive lunch box by the bib number after the race.
6.If the quantity of the participants for a company or a group is over 50 people (only under the same order number), a resting area will be provided. As the number of tents is limited due to the venue constraints, priority will be given to participants who register first.
7.Half Marathon Couse Route is measured and certified by AIMS. Water stops and supply stations will be placed along the course routes.