① Age

Half Marathon Group (21KM): Participants must be at least 17 years of age.

Casual Group (10KM) and Family Fun Group (5KM): No age limits. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by parents or guardians.

Participants (including accompany runners) under the age of 18 can register with “Parent or Guardian Consent Form for Underage Applicants” box checked during registration.

Please fill in the correct date of birth for grouping purposes. The organizers reserve the right to disqualify a participant without refunding the entry fee if he/she fails to fill in his/her personal information in a correct manner, resulting in incorrect race General Group Participants results.

② Public Interest Group Participants
  1. Public Interest Group Participants must register as a group.
  2. Public Interest Group Participants include the physically challenged participants and the accompany runners.
  3. Physically challenged participants: Disability identification or certification is required.
  4. Accompany runners: Signing up together with the physically challenged participants is required (group sign up for two or more people.)
  5. Physically challenged participants are required to download, print out and fill in the “Participation Checklist.” The required supporting documents on the checklist shall be provided. The whole checklist is to be scanned/taken picture of and uploaded. The registration will be considered completed only after the organizers have approved and issued a payment notice and after the payment is made.
  6. Participation Checklist for Physically Challenged Participants: Please click here to download, fill in and upload the form to the designated field of the registration form.
③ Public Interest Group Notes
  1. Physically challenged participants shall take their own ability and physical condition into account or have a guardian/accompany runner to assess the feasibility of completing the race during registration and avoid forcing participation on themselves.
  2. There will be at most two accompany runners for each physically challenged participant in Half Marathon Group (21KM), and at most one accompany runner for each physically challenged participant in the Casual Group (10KM) and Family Fun Group (5KM). Accompany runners must enter the finish line together with the physically challenged participants (it is not mandatory for the runners to hold accompany ropes) and cannot enter the finish line alone. Violators will be disqualified, and no result certificate will be issued. For Half Marathon Group participants with two accompany runners, only one accompany runner is required to enter the finish line together.
  3. Physically challenged participants in wheelchairs and other assistive devices (including electric assistive devices) are advised to wear a helmet for safety reasons.
  4. Except for the following conditions, the use of any electric assistive devices, including electric wheelchairs, electric scooters, wheelchair power assists, etc., is prohibited from the race. Participants who use the above-mentioned types of assistive devices will be disqualified, and the results will be invalid. No objections will be accepted.
    1. Physically challenged participants who are unable to run or walk due to limitations of the upper and lower limbs (Note 1) and are unable to propel a wheelchair without electric assistive devices may participate in the race using an electric wheelchair. Participants who can propel a wheelchair on their own are not permitted to use electric assistive devices (including a wheelchair power assist). [Note 1] Participants who use electric assistive devices shall fulfill at least one of the following descriptions and be unable to propel a wheelchair without electric assistive devices:
      ☑ ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) classified “b730a.2 or above” and “b730b.2 or above.”
      ☑ ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) classified “b735.2 or above” and “b765.2 or above.”
      ☑ Conditions not listed are subject to the approval of the organizers.
    2. Participants in electric wheelchairs shall have one accompany runner during the race. The participant and the accompany runner shall be connected using an accompany rope. The distance between the two farthest ends of the rope shall be 40 (±10) cm. The accompany rope shall be held by the participant and the accompany runner, and it can also be tied to the electric wheelchair. The participant and the accompany runner are not allowed to loosen the accompany rope during the whole race. If the accompany rope is found loosened, the participant and the accompany runner will be disqualified from the race. Participants and the accompany runners shall check the accompany rope status before the race.
    3. Participants in electric wheelchairs shall only register for Family Fun Group (5KM) for safety reasons. There is a limit to the number of participants in electric wheelchairs, and the organizers will notify the registrants whether the registration is admitted.
    4. This event is considered a long-distance outdoor sports event. Patients with spinal cord injury or burns are advised to carefully assess their own perspiration and heat dissipation condition and shall avoid forcing participation on themselves.

2.Entry Group
① General Group Participants

Half Marathon Group (21KM): Participants will be divided into 12 groups by gender and age. Please refer to the table below for details

Male Age Group Born Year Female Age Group Born Year
Male A -1964 Female A -1964
Male B 1965-1974 Female B 1965-1974
Male C 1975-1984 Female C 1975-1984
Male D 1985-1994 Female D 1985-1994
Male E 1995-2004 Female E 1995-2004
Male F 2005-2007 Female F 2005-2007

Casual Group (10KM): Participants will be divided into 2 groups by gender.

Family Fun Group (5KM): No competition. Participants will not be divided into groups.

Note: Gender grouping will be based on physical gender.

② ECO Group Participants:Grouping follows General Group Participants.
③ Public Interest Group Participants:No competition. Participants will be divided into 2 groups by gender.
3.Start Zone

Start Zone Priorities:

① Public Interest Group Participants, Guest Participants and Elites.
② General Group Participants

Elites: To enhance the quality of the race, a special area at the front of the start zone will be reserved for the Elites. Elites are required to upload an electronic file of 2-year latest record (2023 to 2024) for reference and make the payment within the prescribed time. The organizers will announce the list of qualified Elites on the registration website one week after the closing date of the registration. Please contact Sports Note registration customer service should there be any queries.

Group Elite Participant Standards
Half Marathon Group (21KM) Male: Within 80 minutes
Female: Within 90 minutes
Casual Group (10KM) Male: Within 40 minutes
Female: Within 50 minutes
4.Registration Procedures
  • ① Registration Time: Registration starts at 14:30 of April 22nd, 2024 and ends at 23:59 of June 23rd, 2024 or when the number of registrants reaches the quota.
  • ② Registration Method:
    1. Online registration only (On-site registration or other registration methods will not be accepted)
    2. Registrants can choose from individual registration or group registration (more than 2 people)
  • ③ Payment Methods:
    1. Pay at Convenience Store: By choosing “Pay at Convenience Store” when registering online, registrants will be given a set of payment code “CVSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (14 codes in total.)” Please make the payment using the payment code at the four major convenience store chains within three days to complete registration. For the details of the payment procedures, kindly refer to “Payment Methods” page.
      ※ Reminder: Registrants will be required to pay NT$30 of handling fees per transaction under NT$20,000.
    2. Credit Card Payment: By choosing “Credit Card Payment” when registering online, registrants will be directed to a third-party payment service page. Please complete the payment by selecting your credit card type (VISA, MasterCard or JCB), enter your credit card number and expiration date.
    3. If the registration window is closed before the payment is made during online registration, please go to the function list on the left area of the page, click on the “Enquiry and Modification” button, enter the order number and the leader's ID number, go to the order page and click on the “Go to Payment” button to make the payment.
  • ④ Please contact Sports Note registration customer service for queries to online registration payment.
    LINE ID:@irunner
    Service Hours:Mon. to Fri. 09:00-21:00
  1. Please take your own ability and physical condition into account and register for an appropriate group. Once you have completed the registration process, further changes to registration information such as name, ID number and gender will NOT be accepted under any circumstances. The qualification is NOT transferrable. Participants who wish to change to another race group must request for a refund before re-starting a new registration under the circumstance that there are slots available in the desired race group.
  2. Participants can edit partial information on the registration website before the payment is made. The registration information cannot be edited once the payment is made.
  3. Participants who fail to complete the payment transaction will be removed from the registration system. No objections will be accepted.
  4. Please provide correct personal information in detail for registration. False reports are not allowed. If learned of any before the race, participants will be disqualified. No refund will be made. If a false report is discovered after the race, race results and awards (including medals, certificates, prizes, gifts, etc.) will be canceled and taken back. No objections will be accepted. The vacant rankings and awards would be filled in in order.
  5. All personal information, including gender, are collected by the organizers based on Identification Card (or passport) provided.
6.Refund Methods
Application Time Phase 1
Before 2024/06/30
Phase 2
Phase 3
Refund Handling fee (NT$100) will not be refunded; the remainder of entry fee, timing chip deposit and postage will be refunded 60% of the entry fee, timing chip deposit and postage will be refunded No refund will be made. Only under special circumstances, a 50% of entry fee and timing chip deposit will be refunded.
Amount Half
General Group: NTD 1,190/ person
ECO Group: NTD 890/ person
Public Interest Group: NTD 1,190/ person
General Group: NTD 774/ person
ECO Group: NTD 594/ person
Public Interest Group: NTD 774/ person
General Group: NTD 645/ person
ECO Group: NTD 495/ person
Public Interest Group: NTD 645/ person
General Group: NTD 890/ person
ECO Group: NTD 590/ person
Public Interest Group: NTD 890/ person
General Group: NTD 594/ person
ECO Group: NTD 414/ person
Public Interest Group: NTD 594/ person
General Group: NTD 495/ person
ECO Group: NTD 345/ person
Public Interest Group: NTD 495/ person
Family Fun
General Group: NTD 690/ person
ECO Group: NTD 390/ person
Public Interest Group: NTD 690/ person
General Group: 474/ person
ECO Group: NTD 294/ person
Public Interest Group: NTD 474/ person
General Group: 395/ person
ECO Group: NTD 245/ person
Public Interest Group: NTD 395/ person
Refund Illustration · Race packets will not be delivered.
· Additional purchases during registration will be cancelled and refunded.
· Race packets will not be delivered.
· Additional purchases during registration will be delivered and NOT refunded.
· As all items will have been in production, the associated costs shall be fully covered by applicants.
· Only applicants due to following issues will be eligible to request a refund providing relevant documents:
· Natural disasters or unexpected accidents, traffic interruption, military service, service recall, or muster-call, injured, sickness, or pregnancy, the participant is attending his or her own engagement or wedding party or funeral of an immediate family)
· Additional purchases during registration will be delivered and NOT refunded.
· Timing chips must be sent back by October 25th, 2024. (According to the date of the postmark)
Refund Process Time On November 1st, 2024
Notes 1.Refund methods are based on Tai-Jiao-Ti-Shu-Chuan-3 Letter No. 1110018881 of Sports Administration, Ministry of Education.
2.Refund application of group registrants shall be raised by the leader (application by non- leader will not be accepted.) Please apply for refund on “Refund Application Page” and provide bank name, bank code, branch name, account number, account name, etc.