
The nature of this event is a road running activity, which is not mandatory to provide escrow, such as trust account management, performance guarantee by financial institutions, inter-industry mutual insurance, performance insurance, custody of funds by financial institutions, electronic payment institutions, etc., by the current laws. To ensure consumers' right to know, relevant information as follows is disclosed proactively:

① This event does not provide escrow
② Other payment safeguards for this event include:
  • In case where this event cannot be held due to force majeure clauses or any unforeseen circumstances, the organizers reserve the right to decide whether to cancel, postpone this event, make changes to the event venue or course routes.
    1. Event Cancellation: 50% of the entry fee will be refunded if race packets are provided; 70% of the entry fee will be refunded if race packets are not provided. Transaction fee of NTD 30 will be deducted from the refund.
    2. Event Postponed: No refund for participants who agree to the postponement date. Application for a refund must be submitted within 7 days of the announcement. Refund standards follow Event Cancellation. Late application will not be accepted.
  • If this event is cancelled for reasons attributable to the organizers, full entry fee will be refunded. Application for a refund of participants who are not able to participant in this event due to this event being postponed for reasons attributable to the organizers must be submitted within 20 days of the announcement, and full entry fee will be refunded. 90% of the entry fee will be refunded for late application.
③ The section is based on Fa-Bao-Zi Letter No. 1133001879 of Taipei City Government for consumer protection enhancement measures, dated January 16th, 2024: the Chief Organizer shall disclose relevant information such as escrow/other payment safeguards and refund methods on the ticketing platforms or official websites.
2.This event issues electronic uniform invoices.

The operation instructions are based on the Directions for the Implementation of Electronic Uniform Invoices Operations and are as follows:

  • ① Consumer-end electronic uniform invoices of triplicate electronic uniform invoices will be sent via E-mail 35 days after this event.
  • ② Electronic uniform invoice issuing notice of duplicate electronic uniform invoices will be sent via E-mail 35 days after this event. E-mail will be sent to prize winners not using electronic uniform carriers within 10 days after the Uniform Invoice Prize Announcement Day, and the consumer-end electronic uniform invoices will be shared for prize claiming.
  • ③ Please fill in the correct E-mail address, which will be used by the organizers to send out the electronic uniform invoices, during registration.
  • ④ The organizers will send out the electronic uniform invoices to the contact person for group registration for group registrants.
  • ⑤ Please click on the triplicate invoice option and fill in the Government Uniform Invoice number and company heading during registration for corporate reimbursement.
  • ⑥ The invoicing option cannot be edited once the registration is completed. If the option for duplicate uniform invoices is chosen at the time of registration, it cannot be changed to triplicate uniform invoices, and vice versa.

① Postal Check-in:

Race packets will be delivered one week prior to this event. Participants must fill in the correct address in case the race packets cannot be delivered. There will not be a separate reply slip for this event. Please make payment for postal check-in during registration.

② Postal Check-in Fees (only available within Taiwan):

People 1 2 3-5 6-10 11-15 16-50 51-100 101-150 151-200
NTD $130 $260 $390 $590 $790 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500
Taiwan offshore islands $290 $290 $450 $750 $900 $1,600 $3,100 $4,200 $5,100

③ Note

  1. There will not be on-site check-in on the day of this event.
  2. After check-in, please keep the timing chip and bib number in a safe place as no replacement will be issued if they are lost.
  3. For foreign participants, onsite registration will be available at the venue service counter. Registration will be accepted starting from 4:00 PM on the day of the competition.
4.Event Insurance

(1)Description of Insurance Liability

  • ① All participants are provided with public incident insurance. Any accidents occur during the race will be handled in accordance with the insurance contract.
  • ② Participants shall follow the direction of the road signs and proceed along the designated course routes. Participants shall comply with the traffic regulations, signs, markings and signals. The organizers will assist in the handling of problems arising from overstepping the course routes due to non-compliance with the rules of the organizers, but participants shall be liable for the compensation involved.
  • ③ Please be sure to fill in all the fields in the registration form. Participants shall be responsible for any errors or omissions that may result in the loss of insurance coverage.
  • ④ Please take your own ability into account for the race. Have enough sleep the day before the race. Eat and drink two hours before the start of the race.
  • ⑤ All participants are provided with public incident insurance. All terms and details of the insurance are as detailed in the contract with the insurance company. Participants are advised to take out your own personal insurance for personal needs.
  • ⑥ Public Accident Insurance Coverage: When the insured is legally liable to provide indemnification for third-party bodily injury, death, or third-party property damage caused by any of the following accidents during the policy period and in connection therewith receives a claim, insurance company is liable to the insured for indemnification.

(2)Insured Amount

All participants are provided with public incident insurance. All terms and details shall follow the insurance contract signed between the organizers and the insurance company. The insured items and amount are as follows, and all terms and details of the insurance are as detailed in the contract with the insurance company:

  • ① The insurance covers each physical injury for NTD 5 million
  • ② The insurance covers physical injuries of each unforeseen event or circumstances for 100 million.
  • ③ The insurance covers property damage of each unforeseen event or circumstances for 2 million.
  • ④ The insurance insured a highest amount of compensation of over NTD 240 million (a total amount including physical injuries and property damage.)

(3)Special Exclusions

  • ① Injuries caused by personal diseases.
  • ② Illness caused by cardiovascular diseases or personal health issues, such as heart attack, shock, diabetes, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, high altitude illness, epilepsy, dehydration, etc. The insurance compensation is not liable to illness caused by pre-existing medical conditions or personal health issues. Only injuries caused by accidents are liable for public liability insurance compensation.
  • ③ Participants who have health issues or relevant medical history mentioned above are advised to take their own safety into account and take out personal insurance.
  • ④ Participants who have health issues or relevant medical history mentioned below are at high risk of sudden cardiac death and are strongly advised to consult a doctor before participating in the race.
    1. Chest discomfort for reasons unknown (chest tightness or chest pain)
    2. Breathing difficulty for reasons unknown
    3. Dizziness for reasons unknown
    4. Sudden loss of consciousness
    5. Hypertension (> 140/90 mmHg)
    6. Heart diseases
    7. Renal disorder
    8. Diabetes
    9. Hyperglycemia (total cholesterol > 240mg/Dl)
    10. Family history of heart disease (one of your immediate family members has had a heart attack, a stroke, or was diagnosed with heart disease before the age of 60)
    11. Epilepsy
  • ⑤ The organizers will assist in the handling of public accident insurance claims for loss of property or injuries occurring during this event. However, participants who have already received claims, are not covered due to special exclusions, or not covered in the insurance scoped are not allowed to request any form of compensation from the chief organizer, operation supervisor, associate organizer or sponsors.
5.Authorization of Portrait Rights and Prohibition of Profit-making by Unauthorized Parties
  • ① Participants hereby agree that the organizers and the person designated by the organizers may take videos and photos of the participants during this event and that the organizers and the person designated by the organizers may use the personal data listed in Personal Data Protection Act within the scope of organizing this event and publishing the above-mentioned videos and photos.
  • ② Participants hereby agree that the organizers and the person designated by the organizers may publish, use, utilize, or sell the videos and photos taken during this event and waive all claim of copyright of the videos and photos taken by the organizers and the person designated by the organizers during this event.
  • ③ Non-co-contracted parties are prohibited from the commercial behavior of selling videos and photos of participants taken during this event.
6.Personal Information Protection

In accordance with Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Data Protection Act, the chief organizer would like to inform you of the following matters, please read them carefully:

  • ① Purpose of Collection: For the purpose of organizing the "2024 China Airlines Marathon" event and related insurance operations.
  • ② Types of personal information collected: Name, ID number, contact number, registered address, ID card, e-mail address, portrait, video, photo etc.
  • ③ The period, area, target and method of personal data utilization:
    1. Period: The period of time for which personal information is collected for a specific purpose, the period of time for which it is retained in accordance with relevant laws and regulations or contractual agreements or the period of time for which it is necessary for the organizers to retain it for the performance of its business.
    2. Area: The area in which this event will be publicized.
    3. Targets: The relevant chief organizer, associate organizers, co-organizers authorized by this event, the remittance banks of the organizers, the outsourcing agencies of the organizers, the recipients of international transmission of personal data not restricted by the competent central authority for each industry, the investigative or financial supervisory authorities in accordance with the law and the organizers’ co-marketing or cooperation partners.
    4. Method: By means of automated machines or other non-automated means.
  • ④ In accordance with Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, you may exercise the following rights to the personal data of yours held by the Company.
    1. One may make inquiries or requests to view or to make copies, provided that the Company may charge a fee for the necessary costs in accordance with the laws.
    2. One may request the chief organizer for additions or corrections, provided that they are properly explained in accordance with the laws.
    3. One may request the chief organizer to cease to collect, process or utilize and to delete personal data; the chief organizer may not comply with such request if it is necessary for the performance of its business in accordance with the laws.
  • ⑤ Impact on your rights and interests if you do not provide your personal information: You are free to choose whether or not to provide your personal information. However, if you refuse to provide your personal information, the organizers will not be able to carry out the necessary verification and processing operations, which will result in the inability to complete the registration, results, awards, news and media and other related activities. By informing you of the above, you clearly understand the purpose and use of your personal information collected, processed or utilized by the organizers.
  • ⑥ I hereby agree to authorize the chief organizer and the person designated by the chief organizer to use your portrait, video and photos in the relevant advertising objects (including but not limited to official websites, social networking sites, blogs, etc.), and to use, exploit and sell the video and photos of the foregoing in public. I waive all civil claims and criminal prosecution rights against the chief organizer and the person designated by the chief organizer for the videos and photos of the preceding article.
7.The organizers reserve the right to modify the rules and regulations. Any further announcements or revisions to these regulations will be announced by the event organizers.